Logos 聖經軟體推出中文的每日經文圖,至今已經累積了三百多張經文圖,可以說是張張精彩!
方法很簡單,打開「工具」→「媒體」,勾選「Logos每日經文」和「Traditional Chinese」,你就可以看見所有的中文每日經文圖。
舉例來說,我使用4K(3840 x 2160)的螢幕,就可以下載相應的尺寸大小,當作我的獨特精美桌布。
1. Logos 每日經文(5,150 個結果) 中文只有339個,可以多增加些嗎?上次有新的每日經文 中文內容已經是好久以前了。
2. 每日經文三百多處中,可以依聖經的書卷搜尋經文嗎?例如約翰福音.
Hi, David, 謝謝您的建議。我們有計劃再增加新的中文圖片,明年初應該就會有了,敬請期待。謝謝。
Thank you for all the great artworks. FYI the number of Traditional Chinese Daily Verse images remains unchanged at 339.
Interestingly, the number of Simplified Chinese images is different (336). Traditional Chinese is a superset of, and has a many-to-one Unicode mapping to, Simplified Chinese, so I would assume Logos could keep both in-sync by programmatically generating the Simplified Chinese versions from Traditional Chinese.
Thank you for keeping us posted. We will look into that.
Have a great day!